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Graphitization price battle!

Mar. 23, 2023

Anode materials have been advancing for a long time under the theme of "cost reduction and efficiency increase". On the one hand, scale up. Driven by the demand in the power and energy storage fields, negative electrode companies have accelerated production, volume, and shipment; on the other hand, they have reduced costs. Artificial graphite is still the mainstream in the anode market, and integration has become a trend in order to reduce costs.

Graphitization price battle!

In 2023, the supply of graphitization will be oversupplied, coupled with the overcapacity of negative electrodes, in order to grab orders, the graphitization industry has launched a "price war". In order to grab orders, some graphitization foundries even dare to lower the price to below 10,000 yuan/ton, approaching the cost line.

Graphitization price battle!

Behind the "price war" of graphitization is the emergency warning after the overall rush of the negative electrode market. In the next stage, "cost reduction" will still be the strategic core of anode material companies. With the recovery of anode demand in the next quarter, the price of graphitization is expected to rise slightly, but the anode market with "cost reduction" as the core will continue to continue its fierce competition. Order snatching.